We finally begin. With countless days imagining of such great things that I'd like to accomplish one day, it came to the point where my to-do-one-day list was too long for me to remember. And with this list, I want to test if I can actually cross some of the items off.
This personal website serves to post daily blogs (I hope to figure out a way to organize my posts through nextjs), keep track of goals, and update my photography portfolio. This is what we are starting with, so more updates are bound to come in the later days.
The frontend design implemented already was done through figma and I'll try to add more creative aspects into it. Additional implementations that I want to add include a toggle to switch between KOR and ENG, blocks of colors that I like w/ details when the user's mouse is hovered, and simple hashtags added in my blogs to sort them by different subjects.
Maybe this is what people go through before they go into the military - doing things they had in mind but in unorderly fasion so they can do it before they get their freedom taken away. Hopefully it's not as bad as what people say about it. They say that the level of difficulty depends purely on the base you are assigned and the people you are sharing the space with, both of which are things that I cannot control.
Honestly, things aren't set yet. I have an interview this week to get the position I want and go in early-to-mid April 2025. I have to start prepping for the interview tomorrow but still keep on eye on the recent updates in the military for any vacant positions. Before I go in, I plan to go to Hong Kong with my family and want to travel somewhere after.
Daily Updates
- Starts tomorrow