Day Two - Sunday

Feb 2, 2025


  • 해야할 것 : WSP work, 8시기상, 성경 plan, 군대문제 해결, 투자증권 계좌
  • 도와야할 것 : 과외 찾아보기, 짐정리 내방 마무리, (옷,쿠커,기타) 당근 팔기
  • Stress : 군대 면접, VC 방문, Brown 동아리 도와주기


  1. SNL Friday Devotionals
  2. 중앙은행, 경쟁 성장률 하향 조정, 기준금리 인하

Ezekiel 2:1 - 3:3

"Ezekiel's call to be a prophet, Task as a watchman"

Q: Who are you listening to? Rebellion and Obedience Breaking a relationship is rebellious. Sometimes this act of rebellion comes through prioritizing career/big goals in life over God. Can come very naturally as I'm reaching for success. How good is good enough? Is it really an empty promise? I'm not sure.

It's about the ranking. Do, fail, and learn that we should derive meaning from God and only God, not from the friendships that I value, from the relationships that mean a lot to me, or from a glorified finance position from a bulge bracket. Repent and turn. Lean into the gospel whenever I have time.

Macroeconomics, BOK lowers growth forecasts

Due to political turmoil, Korea's central bank decreased its expected economic growth from 1.9%(NOV) to 1.6 to 1.7%. With the unexpected Martial law declaration as well as the Jeju airplane crash, sentiment among economic entities in Korea deteriorated quickly. Worse comes to worse, more headwinds are expected from US President-elect Donald Trump's policy regarding tariffs and subsidies for companies investing in the US.

With Yoon being the country's first ever sitting president to be formally arrested on rebellion charges, BOK decided to cut 2025 economic growth by 0.2 percentage points.

  • Reinforced expectations for BOK to cut interest rates.
  • Was unexpectedly unchanged at 3.0% last week, but is predicted to go below. (Approx. 1%)
  • Governor Rhee believes the current dollar/won ratio (sitting at 1466 KRW) is much higher than what reflects the country's current situation.
  • Won has lost 3.8% since Martial Law was declared.

According to BOK-LOOK, a 0.25% decrease in IR leads to a 0.4% increase in avg housing prices in KOR.

  • 기준금리 0.25% 인상 - 비용증가, 소비+투자 위축, GDP 갭차이 줄어든다. 따라서 잠재적 성장률 줄어든다
  • 같은 포인트 내리면 - GDP 갭 증가, 물가 높아진다, 집값도 오르고 가계부채 증가